Sustainability and energy production at Golfpark Strelasund

Golfpark Strelasund as an example for biodiversity and sustainability

Golf is not just sport – it is also essential for encouraging biodiversity. Our golf and wellness resort in Kaschow (Mecklenburg Western Pomerania) is an outstanding example for creating harmony between golf sport and nature. On an area about 200 hectares our golf area provides diverse habitats for flora and fauna. We care for an environmentally friendly and natural golf course care.

Sustainability production by photovoltaic and woodchips systems

At the Danish Travel Show we invite you to a sustainability tour through our golf and wellness hotel. Therefore, we have been already able to produce one-third of our energy consumption only with solar energy which is produced by a photovoltaic system on our premises’ roofs.

An additional woodchips system enables the supply of district heat for our whole hotel resort and 35 households of Kashow village, which in total have nearly 353 inhabitants. From our own forests we use wood from diseased trees and shredder it into small wooden chips. For 24 hours a mechanical plant transports the chips via a push floor and a hydraulic system to a furnace which reaches temperatures between 800 and 900 degree Celsius. In order to produce warmth of 1919,2 MW/h we averagely consume 5 to 7 cubic metres wooden chips to a period of 24 hours.

Our sustainability concept for hotel and guests

Electicity and modern technologies are an important topic for us and our guests. Thus, we installed 4 charging columns for e-cars and it is possible to load e-bikes. Moreover, we take care within our hotel business that a room cleaning takes only place every two days in order to reduce ecological influences.

Development of the golf courses at Golfpark Strelasund

Golfpark Strelasund extends to an area of 200 hectares and provides a 36-hole-course. Different construction phases were influenced by a progressive development and harmonious coexistence of sport and nature. The first phase of development started in 2005 with the opening of the Driving Range and the first 9 holes. In the following year the area has been extended to 18 holes. The next extension followed in 2009. In 2013 the whole area has been completed. From the beginning to the completion of the 36-hole-area in 2023 the combination of sport and nature has been the core of all plannings and works.

Habitat – biodiversity – golf course

The green area of Golfpark Strelasund serves as habitat for different species of wild animals, e.g. wild bees, different species of wasps, insects, birds, amphibians and small mammals. Especially for wild bees and insects golf courses are extremely important because they are able to find a variety of blossoms. Additionally, deadwood and clearance cairns provide ideal habitats for different animals.

In order to protect those natural structures and encourage biodiversity Golfpark Strelasund placed measures for this kind of areas and habitats while different contractions phases took place. Thanks to these measures our resort is not only a place for sport and holiday but a valuable habitant for diverse animals and plants.

Flora and fauna

Golfpark Strelasund is characterized by a diversity of different plant species. Our wildflower meadows for example are an important food source for many insects. In comparison to agriculture areas are the distances on a golf course much shorter. That enables a better network and thus an excellent encouragement of biodiversity.

Characteristic hedgerows between the meadows provide not only protection against wind and erosion but are also important habitats. They are hiding places and nesting places for birds and mammals. Furthermore, we established special nature reserves between the fairways in order to save important habitats aside. Also, these areas serve as refuge for different animal species.

Nearly 60 to 70 percent of the golf course serve as such refuges for flora and fauna. Therefore, golf courses can make an enormous contribution to the receipt of biodiversity.

An outstanding example for a successful encouragement of biodiversity of our golf course is the new settlement of storks. In Germany there are more than 100 golf courses with storks that nest again. The return of the storks is a fantastic mark for golf courses and their important contribution of biodiversity.

Further examples of biodiversity on Golfpark Strelasund

Based on the area of 200 hectares there is wide diversity of habitants for animals and plants. Nearly 60 hectares belong to the play area (greens approx. 4 ha, hitting areas approx.  1,2 ha, fairways approx. 30 ha and semi rough approx. 25 ha) Thus, only around 6 percent are intensively cultivated.

Large water surfaces (2,5 hectares) of the golf course provide habitants for frogs, dragonflies and small water animals. Edges of bunkers are ideal nesting places for sand loving bees. One can find also different species of mushrooms which are important part of the ecological balance. The care of the golf course is done by well-educated greenkeepers.

Pollard willows which can be found are a characteristic element of the culture landscape in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania and contribute to encouragement of biodiversity. These old trees are important habitants for several animals such as 199 different species of beetles, 162 species of butterfly, endangered little owl and batwings which benefit from the existence of pollard willows.

As it has been mentioned before the water surfaces (8 ponds) are home of several fish species such as carp, tench, rudds, perch or pike. Also different bird species such as gray goose, mallard or swan can be found. It is an interesting fact that the fish species stock were mainly brought in by waterfowl. Fish eggs were introduced into the plumage of waterfowl. Our team of Golfpark Strelasund places particular emphasis on protecting and maintaining the water surface in order to preserve it as an important habitat.

Another example of the promotion of biodiversity at Golfpark Strelasund are the four orchards that were created on the golf course. These not only serve as a habitat for various animal species, but also contribute to the preservation of old types of fruit such as apples, pears, plums and cherries.

Visit Golfpark Strelasund in order to discover our fantastic nature on the golf course. Book your stay here!